
Catalina's Milky Way Dreams
(c) Re- Written 2024 - By The Depressed Poet, Doc Dalton
Shooting Stars and fast moving CarsRumble through the roads of my mindTick-e-ty Tock, the old sounds of the clockSay's it's almost a quarter past nine
The moons surely rising, the stars are a glidingAnd Mr. Sandman is ready to roamHurry off to bed and put your pillow under your headHe might just be visiting you tonight at homeDrifting off to sleep is such a wonderful featAdventures you'll enjoy on your ownMaking new friends on a journey to no endA secrete life that is yours all aloneDon't be afraid of those gobble lee goo'sOr those pirates drifting to sea on their boatsThere's no need to worry there just in your dreamsLike rainbow clouds and cotton candy floatsOh that sky's full of colors of make believe wondersExciting every step of the wayCan't you let me stay for just a little bit longerPlease, don't take my Dreams a wayTo see this through a child's eyesOn the path to where stars brightly beamThrough a different world of twist and twirlsWon't you come to my Milky Way DreamsWe could have so much funUnder an ice cream sun and laugh our time awaySing some M & M songs the whole day longUntil we awake to brand new day
Pluto say's hey kiddo don't get out of bedAs Snakel Puss laughs and says, ah it's OKKKKKKKKPopeye yell's, were gone in a minute after I eat me spinachPoo say's all aboard my Banana Split SleighOh that Sky's full of colors of make believe wondersExciting every step of the wayCan't you let me stay for just a little bit longerWorry not Catalina, we won't take your Dreams a way
To see this through a child's eyesOn the path to where stars brightly beamThrough a different world of twist and twirlsWon't you come to my Milky Way Dreams
Catalina say's, please come join me, on my Milky Way Dreams

I have come to the realization that the older I get, the better I was, it's a hard fact to adjust to but sadly it is true, very true. I question what brought me to this place where I am at today and better yet, how did I get here. And if that is crazy enough, why am I here. Surrounded by confusing thoughts to say the least, I say to myself, now that I am here, what exactly am I supposed to do. I swear sometimes I can hear the voices in my head yell at the exact same time, we need help and sadly, I don't even know where to go for that help. Just where did all the time go and how did I get lost in it all.  How did those days turn into weeks and those weeks turn into months and those months turn into years and if that isn't depressing enough, how did those years turn into decades. It shakes you deep down inside when you realize you have more days behind you then in front of you. All those plans you had are now just memories of things that never took place. That mark you wanted to leave on the world, for the lack of better words, just didn't happen. And now you have reached an age where you should start considering wearing a good pair of depends or you might just leave a bigger mark on the world than you ever expected. I now spend a good amount of time in silence because it is said in some way that the silence itself will help you hear the Lord but sadly all I hear is the ringing in my ears. But I have faith that I will hear his words when the time is right or should I say, when he says it's the time. At this point in my life, I pray a lot to the Lord and at this point in my life I am banking on the fact that he hears me. Prayers do not need to be long, but they need to be true. They need to be from the heart and don't pray because you feel you must, pray because you want to. I find myself praying a few times per day. No more than 15 seconds at a time, but they are my 15 seconds of truth, and I hope he agrees. Remember, you can't Bull Shit God and why would you want to. This age thing could be downright stressful at times. With age comes wisdom or so they say. They go hand and hand like ham is supposed to go with cheese on a good sandwich. But as much as they should go together, age can show up all on its own because there isn't any age requirement on wisdom. You can be old and have no wisdom because stupidity also has no age. If not used properly, it just breaks down to, free floating hostility. You are never too old to understand that it is time for a change, a personal change. Start new in everything, and don't start half ass, it only keeps the nonsense going. Get the best grip on reality you can and do it quickly because you need that as you get older. It personally brings you peace of mind. Sit quietly and think. Sit quietly and listen and sit quietly and be grateful for where you are at and what you have, know matter how much or how small it might be. Ask yourself this question. How many people in this crazy world would love to have what I have right now. You may just realize that your world may not be so bad after all. So, my friend, sit back and enjoy your life and what there is left of it. Breath is the fresh air and gaze at the stars. Tell your loved ones that you love them and be kind to everyone in between because that alone can be your greatest mark on the world. Just make 3 people smile everyday and that is a great start. I wish you only the best in all that you do.
